Reading web pages on a Kobo e-reader: a guide for Mac and iPhone

In this article, I explain how to read a longer web page on a Kobo e-reader, so you can enjoy your favourite online content without having to stare at a luminous screen.

Reading web pages on a Kobo e-reader: a guide for Mac and iPhone

This guide is intended for users with a Mac or iPhone/iPad. I assume connecting your Kobo e-reader to a computer. There is a way to connect an iPhone to an e-reader, but for that I refer you to a dedicated article.

Creating a readable PDF on the Mac:

  1. Open Safari on your Mac and navigate to the web page you want to read on your Kobo e-reader.
  2. Click the Reader icon in the address bar to put the web page in "Reader view".
  3. Adjust the font size by pressing "Command" and "+" eight times until the text is comfortable to read.
  4. Go to the menu bar, click "Archive" and choose "Export as PDF". Save the PDF file in a folder of your choice.

Create a readable PDF on the Mac

Create a readable PDF on the iPhone/iPad:

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone/iPad and navigate to the web page you want to read on your Kobo e-reader.
  2. Put the web page in "Reader mode" by tapping the Reader icon in the address bar.
  3. Choose to print by tapping the share icon (the square with the upward arrow) and selecting "Print".
  4. Adjust the font size by entering, for example, 150% in Enlarge/Reduce.
  5. Choose share icon again and select "Save to Files" and save the PDF file in a folder of your choice.

Create a readable PDF on the iPhone.

Connect Kobo e-reader to computer

  1. Connect your Kobo e-reader to your computer using a USB cable. Make sure your e-reader is switched on.
  2. Drag and drop the PDF file to your Kobo e-reader's drive. You can choose any folder.
  3. Disconnect your Kobo e-reader from the computer.

You can now enjoy reading the longer web page on your Kobo e-reader!